Cash flow statements

R millions   Six months  
31 December  
Six months  
31 December  
30 June  
Cash flows from operating activities        
Profit before tax   5 126   3 206   9 561  
Adjustments to profit before tax   437   1 166   1 123  
Cash from changes in working capital   (1 307)  (1 478)  (371) 
Exploration costs   (32)  (10)  (44) 
Finance cost   (70)  (108)  (179) 
Income tax paid   (1 104)  (780)  (1 805) 
Net cash from operating activities   3 050   1 996   8 285  
Cash flows from investing activities        
Purchase of property, plant and equipment   (3 479)  (2 358)  (5 293) 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment   7   5   4  
Proceeds from investments disposed   —   1   —  
Purchase of investment in associate   —   —   (55) 
Payment received from associate on shareholders’ loan   23   112   272  
Loan repayments received   476   127   394  
Advances granted   (15)  —   (33) 
Finance income   110   120   234  
Dividends received   4   —   5  
Net cash used in investing activities   (2 874)  (1 993)  (4 472) 
Cash flows from financing activities        
Issue of ordinary shares   861   50   77  
Lease liability repaid   (12)  (9)  (19) 
Repayments of borrowings   (172)  (464)  (836) 
Proceeds from borrowings   374   —   253  
Dividends paid to Company’s shareholders   (2 546)  (1 622)  (2 519) 
Net cash used in financing activities   (1 495)  (2 045)  (3 044) 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents   (1 319)  (2 042)  769  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   4 542   3 858   3 858  
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents held in foreign currencies   111   (96)  (85) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 3 334   1 720   4 542